The Company of Myself

available on: Kongregate / Newgrounds / Armorgames / jayisgames

Well its valentines day, if you’re like me then you’ll be sat alone and online, so lets celebrate the lonely day, with a game about a very lonely man. The Company of myself is a artistic puzzle platformer game, that delivers a truly amazing story. and i cannot emphasize enough how this story effected me. You play a socially awkward hermit (a character that might hit a little close to home for some people) as you travel though the world the character gives you some background on his life delivered via on screen monologue, and trust me when I say you will want to read every last piece of text in this game.

In terms of gameplay it doesn’t do much new, you jump over stuff and reach the goal, there is however one fun innovation when you hit the spacebar. All of your actions (right up until you hit [Space]) are being recorded, as though by an invisible video camera. As soon as you reset the clock, the level starts anew, except now there’s a phantasmal double of yourself scurrying about, re-enacting your first playthrough move for move. This mechanic really brings a great feature to the platforming table, and its a feature I hope to see again, since it was so well used in this game.

Sadly there are only about 20levels to play though and you’ll burn through them in no time, however in a way this is a good thing because it doesn’t overstay its welcome, everything is there that needs to be there, unlike games such as braid that pad out the game with levels just to make it longer. But I want to come back to the story again because its just so good, Not many games literally have me staring at the laptop in shock, but the ending of this game did that and more. so much so I am still feeling the effects of this game even while writing this, it might be because the ending hit a nerve with me due to my nature and my severe depression or because I too am a socially awkward hermit, but whatever the reason it effected me, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. 9.5/10